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Teething – Denver, CO

Safe, Effective Solutions to Minimize Your Baby’s Oral Pain

Everyone loves the gummy smile of an infant. But when one or two baby teeth erupt, you simply cannot get enough of their adorable smile. Unfortunately, this new look requires enduring the teething process, which can be stressful for both you and your baby. Whether you are a brand-new parent or experienced, there’s a good chance you and your little one are fatigued, uncomfortable, and even shedding a few tears, but there’s good news. At Wash Park Pediatric Dentistry, Dr. Patrick and the rest of our team of experts are ready to help make this experience easier for you and your baby. Providing helpful tips and techniques to soothe their gums while waiting for their teeth to erupt will help ease the discomfort and create a happier environment for everyone. Contact us today to schedule an appointment with Dr. Patrick to discuss what you can do to make teething in Denver less stressful for you and your child.

Why Choose Wash Park Pediatric Dentistry for Teething?

The Teething Process

By the time your child is between 6 and 8 months old, their first baby tooth (or teeth) will likely erupt. This process can be delayed, as each child is different, so do not be surprised if your baby doesn’t experience the initial stages of teething until they are closer to 12 months. Typically, the lower front two teeth appear first, followed by the upper front two teeth shortly after. Because your child is born with all 20 primary teeth lying beneath the gums, you can expect all their teeth to have fully erupted around the age of 3.

Signs Your Baby is Teething

A baby wearing a bib and chewing on a teething toy to relieve discomfort caused by teething

Although some babies have a much easier time with teething than others, the signs associated with tooth eruption are often unmistakable. According to the American Dental Association, some of the most common signs of a teething baby include:

Your child’s temperature may increase slightly; however, they should not be running a fever. Should they develop a fever, cold, cough, or rash or experience diarrhea, make sure to call your child’s pediatrician.

How to Alleviate Your Child’s Pain

A quick online search will show that there are many effective ways to alleviate the discomfort your baby experiences during teething; however, not all of them are safe or beneficial for their oral health. This is why it is important to work closely with Dr. Patrick and the team at Wash Park Pediatric Dentistry. After getting to know you and your unique little one, he will be able to provide solutions that are both safe to use and effective at minimizing pain and helping your baby feel more at ease.

When visiting with Dr. Patrick, he might suggest the following tips:

How Wash Park Pediatric Dentistry Can Help

A mother and her baby appearing happy together while standing outside

As a pediatric dentist in Denver, Dr. Patrick is ready to help parents like you better navigate the teething process. Whether it is identifying symptoms or advising on the right teething toy, our team is happy to answer your questions and address your concerns because we genuinely care and want both you and your baby to be comfortable, healthy, and happy. We’re also here to provide the services and information you need to take care of these erupting teeth as they come in. From regular dental checkups and cleanings to oral hygiene tips to be used at home, Wash Park Pediatric Dentistry is here to ensure your little one achieves relief from the pain while working toward a healthier smile.

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Contact Us 1280 S Pearl St,
Denver, CO 80210
(720) 647-6310 (720) 647-6312 Office Hours

8:00am – 5:00 pm
8:00am – 5:00 pm
8:00am – 5:00 pm
8:00am – 5:00 pm
8:00am – 5:00 pm
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*Available For Emergencies on the Weekend and After Hours

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