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Frenectomies – Denver, CO

Releasing a Lip or Tongue Tie for Better Functionality

Whether you are a mother who is having a hard time breastfeeding because of your baby isn’t latching properly, or you have a young child who has speech difficulties, the reason behind the struggle could be a lip or tongue tie. This extra thick tissue in babies is not uncommon, but it can cause various issues that prevent full functionality of the tongue and/or lip. If you think your baby could have a lip or tongue tie, Dr. Patrick at Wash Park Pediatric Dentistry can examine them and perform a frenectomy in Denver if necessary. This simple and quick procedure can make a difference in the way your child eats, speaks, and even how they breathe. To find out if your child is eligible for this type of treatment, contact our office today .

Why Choose Wash Park Pediatric Dentistry for Frenectomies?

What Is a Tongue or Lip Tie?

A baby lying on its back with its tongue sticking out

A lingual frenum connects the tongue to the floor of the mouth and mandible. The length and thickness of this band can vary; however, if it is too short or thick, it can restrict your child’s ability to fully move their tongue, which can create certain problems depending on the age of your child. Some of these include:

It is also possible that your child can have a lip tie or a restrictive labial frenum, which connects the top lip to the gum area above the front teeth. A lip tie can create similar types of problems as a tongue tie. Tongue and lip ties develop during gestation and are graded as mild, moderate, or severe.

Fortunately, a frenectomy can be the remedy your child needs for maximum oral functioning. However, while a frenectomy can be beneficial for some, Dr. Patrick believes in a conservative approach and often will recommend meeting with a lactation consultant or a speech language pathologist before treating with a frenectomy to ensure the procedure is needed.

How a Frenectomy Works

When inquiring about a frenectomy, you will sit down with our pediatric dentist in Denver, who will look at your child’s particular problem (lip or tongue tie) and determine if it warrants this type of procedure. If after your consultation you and Dr. Patrick decide to move forward, the process will be quick and virtually painless for your baby.

Your little one will lie on their back while Dr. Patrick applies a topical anesthetic, which will numb the area throughout the process. Using the appropriate surgical tools, he will quickly release the band of tissue, giving your child a much better range of motion. In total, the procedure takes only 15 minutes or less, but it will be necessary for you to keep the area clean to prevent any type of possible infection as it heals.

Benefits of a Frenectomy

A mother on the floor with her baby who is smiling and playing with a ball

What makes this procedure so popular and beneficial is that it gives your little one the range of motion they need to function and develop in the areas of speech and weight gain. Additionally, a frenectomy:

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Contact Us 1280 S Pearl St,
Denver, CO 80210
(720) 647-6310 (720) 647-6312 Office Hours

8:00am – 5:00 pm
8:00am – 5:00 pm
8:00am – 5:00 pm
8:00am – 5:00 pm
8:00am – 5:00 pm
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