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Asked and Answered: Is Nitrous Oxide Safe for My Child?

December 15, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — washpark @ 9:31 pm
anxious kid getting nitrous oxide sedation in the dentist’s chair

When you have an anxious or antsy child, even small things can lead to meltdowns. Your job as a parent is to help them learn how to deal with their anxiety in healthy ways, such as talking with a parent or professional, deep breathing, writing or drawing, and other methods.

However, when it comes to dental anxiety, which can be a lifetime struggle, you have another arrow in your quiver: nitrous oxide sedation. But before your kid receives this medication, you probably have questions about it, especially this one—is nitrous oxide sedation safe for your child?

The quick and simple answer is yes. Nitrous oxide sedation can be safely used on patients of any age, including kids, but understanding more about it can help put any remaining concerns you have to rest.

What Is Nitrous Oxide Sedation?

Nitrous oxide is an odorless, tasteless gas that has a calming effect when inhaled. This gas, also called laughing gas, may not make your child laugh, but it should make them feel warm and at ease. It does not put patients to sleep, meaning they are able to respond to questions or requests and they are aware of what’s happening around them. They just feel relaxed and content.

How Does Nitrous Oxide Sedation Work?

Before doing any work on your child’s teeth, your pediatric dentist puts a mask over your child’s nose. The gas is mixed with air and delivered through the nasal mask. As your child inhales, the effects start to work within minutes. Depending on the child’s age and tolerance, the concentration of nitrous oxide can be adjusted, helping them feel comfortable throughout the whole procedure.

Once treatment is done, the nasal mask is removed. Just as quickly as the gas takes effect, it fades from your child’s system, allowing them to return to normal activities pretty much immediately.

Does Nitrous Oxide Come with Side Effects?

Incredibly, nitrous oxide causes very rare side effects. As a result, it is deemed safe and effective for a strong majority of patients, including young children, pregnant women, and those with certain physical disabilities or developmental special needs.

If your child is older, is undergoing a more complicated procedure, or has overwhelming anxiety, your pediatric dentist may explore more powerful methods of sedation to make treatment easier; however, for most young patients, nitrous oxide takes the edge off anxiety and keeps them calm and comfortable.

Helping your child cope with anxiety can be tricky, but you can make dental visits less of a struggle through nitrous oxide. This safe gas is a great way to show your child that these appointments can be a positive experience and help them enjoy going to the dentist!

About the Practice

At Wash Park Pediatric Dentistry, the team is proud to offer both nitrous oxide sedation and general anesthesia. Our board-certified pediatric dentists, Dr. Patrick Bowman and Dr. Samantha Graffeo, are specially trained in working with children of all abilities, including those with special needs. They are both also parents, which means they understand the concerns parents have about their children’s safety. If you are interested in learning more about nitrous oxide sedation, contact our Denver practice online or call 720-647-6310.

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