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Asked and Answered: Is Nitrous Oxide Safe for My Child?

December 15, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — washpark @ 9:31 pm
anxious kid getting nitrous oxide sedation in the dentist’s chair

When you have an anxious or antsy child, even small things can lead to meltdowns. Your job as a parent is to help them learn how to deal with their anxiety in healthy ways, such as talking with a parent or professional, deep breathing, writing or drawing, and other methods.

However, when it comes to dental anxiety, which can be a lifetime struggle, you have another arrow in your quiver: nitrous oxide sedation. But before your kid receives this medication, you probably have questions about it, especially this one—is nitrous oxide sedation safe for your child?

The quick and simple answer is yes. Nitrous oxide sedation can be safely used on patients of any age, including kids, but understanding more about it can help put any remaining concerns you have to rest.
