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Wash Park Pediatric Dentistry Blog

Did Your Child Lose a Dental Crown? Here’s What to Do Next

February 24, 2025

Filed under: Uncategorized — washpark @ 2:46 pm
redheaded child smiling and looking in a mirror after fixing a lost dental crown

Whether it’s a baby tooth that just had a rough start or a permanent tooth that wasn’t properly cared for, a dental crown is a second chance for decayed or injured teeth. Without this porcelain prosthetic, your child’s tooth would have to be removed entirely when most of it is still salvageable. But what happens if their dental crown comes out? What steps should you follow? Read on to find out!


Time for a New Dental Crown? 4 Signs Your Child Needs a Replacement

January 22, 2025

Filed under: Uncategorized — washpark @ 3:38 pm
little girl opening her mouth and showing a dental crown

From birth to the moment your child leaves the house for independence, you have to provide so much for them, and they go through many sets of clothes, shoes, toys, and even teeth. As they grow, you both will experience bumps along the way, and despite doing your best, your child may need a dental crown to compensate for a cavity or oral injury. Although this prosthetic is a great solution that enables them to carry on with confidence for quite a while, you need to be aware that their crown may require replacement at some point. What signs point to needing a new crown? Keep reading to find out!


Making Your Kid’s Dental Fillings Last

December 19, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — washpark @ 2:30 pm
smiley little boy having his teeth checked for cavities

As you have watched your little grow so far, you’ve realized their childhood won’t last forever. The days can feel slow, but the years pass by quickly. Before you know it, your kiddo won’t be one anymore.

When it comes to their dental health, it’s beneficial to keep certain expiration dates in mind so that their smile doesn’t skip a beat and stays healthy, strong, and beautiful. For instance, how long do dental fillings last for kids? Knowing more about these restorations can help you know what you should be doing to prepare your child for taking care of their own smiles as adults.


Dental Crown or Filling? When These Restorations Are Used

November 19, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — washpark @ 3:45 pm
happy little girl smiling and pointing at her teeth in the dentist’s chair

When your child starts to complain about a toothache, you think it must be a cavity. Don’t worry! About half of children have had at least one cavity before they turn 11. Based on your own experiences with dental work, this situation will likely require one of two restorations: a dental crown or filling. But what exactly sets these two apart, and when is each one used for a child? Keep reading to find out.


Is Pain After Pulp Therapy a Common Symptom?

October 24, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — washpark @ 8:05 pm
smiling, relaxed little girl after dental treatment

Once a myth starts circling around, it’s difficult to eradicate it. For instance, root canals or pulp therapy for kids have the unfortunate and inaccurate reputation of causing pain, but in reality, these procedures relieve it and save teeth from extraction. Pulp therapy involves removing the ailing tooth’s nerve, thus eliminating the source of the child’s pain. In other words, pain is not common at all after pulp therapy!

However, if your child undergoes this procedure, there are some symptoms you might see afterward. Some are normal and not concerning while other more serious ones need to be addressed right away. Keep reading to learn what these symptoms are and what you should do!


Pulp Therapy Over Tooth Extraction: Why Saving Little Smiles Matters

September 23, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — washpark @ 4:00 pm
child with a toothache and a concerned parent behind her

When your child is in pain, you would do anything to make it stop. Even going to extreme measures doesn’t seem so crazy if it will help. For instance, if your child has a bad toothache, you may consider having the tooth entirely removed. However, there is another option that doesn’t require extraction: pulp therapy.

Similar to root canal treatment, pulp therapy entails taking out the tooth’s nerve, preserving the rest of the natural structure. But why should you give your child’s treatment options serious thought? Why is pulp therapy preferred over tooth extraction? Keep reading to find out!


Eek! 3 Essential Tips to Make Tooth Extraction Less Scary for Your Child

August 23, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — washpark @ 4:41 pm
little girl covering her mouth with the dentist holding instruments

When your child fears monsters in their closet or under their bed, you can quickly assuage them by turning on a light and showing them there’s nothing to be afraid of. But how can you alleviate their fear of getting a tooth extracted? If you don’t prepare your child beforehand, the idea of a tooth extraction can feel overwhelmingly frightening. Here are a few valuable tips for making the experience less scary for your child.


5 Tips for Helping Your Child Heal After Tooth Extraction

July 25, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — washpark @ 8:27 pm
mom taking care of resting child

When your child has to endure a hard time, you would do anything as a parent to help them get to the other side. With a tooth extraction, your child must go through the healing process, and your guidance and assistance can make the experience much smoother and faster.

What do you as a parent need to do for your child as they heal from a tooth extraction? Here are some essential tips to help them recover.


Dental Sedation—What Is It Like for Kids?

June 26, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — washpark @ 4:51 pm
little boy with a nasal mask on in the dentist’s chair

The mind of a child is truly fascinating. Their imagination is vibrant, and their interpretation of life and perception can be insightful. However, some things, even innocent or safe things, can seem scary or dangerous to them. As a parent, you try to understand their perspective and help guide them through life’s experiences.

When your child needs dental sedation to receive care, you may wish to let them know what the experience will be like or to know for your own peace of mind. Below you’ll find explanations of what dental sedation will be like for your child and how it works.


Q&A: Does Insurance Cover Sedation Dentistry for Kids?

May 31, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — washpark @ 7:04 pm
child with a nasal mask on for sedation dentistry

When you’re raising a child, many things that should be straightforward can become complex. Just leaving the house can take a long time and a lot of effort! However, especially if you have a child with anxiety or special needs, simple tasks like going to the dentist or getting necessary dental work done can feel overwhelming. Fortunately, sedation dentistry can make their visits less stressful and more successful! But will insurance pay for it?

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